4/7 JANUARY - Britain: Oxford - Convention

9/10MARCH - Italy: Bologna - RP National Council

APRIL - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism, Easter March

28 APRIL - Italy: Rome - General Election

8/9 JUNE - Italy - RP National Council

15 JULY - Italy: Rome - Media, Agenzia Radicale

AUGUST - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism

SEPTEMBER - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism


Historical references

April. Pacem in Terris Encyclical by Pope John XXIII

April - Italy. General Election

August - U.S.A. In Washington 200,000 people march with Martin Luther King for racial integration and civil rights.

November - U.S.A. President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

4/7 JANUARY - Britain: Oxford - Convention

A group representing the Consulta italiana per la pace, including a Radical delegation (Pannella, Rendi, Bandinelli, Ida SACCHETTI), participates in the founding of the International Confederation for Peace and Disarmament, in Oxford, along with many other "non-aligned," nonviolent, integrationist European and American peace movements. A debate began - recorded in the minutes - that later turned into a dispute between pacifists and advocates of nonviolence; between antinuclearists campaigning for nuclear disarmament, and antimilitarists campaigning for total unilateral disarmament.

The final document established a platform stating the aims and procedures of a constituent international confederation of peace movements and antinuclearists (for peace and disarmament). (AP 4041, LB1967 - 29)

9/10MARCH - Italy: Bologna - RP National Council

After the groups that had gravitated around the weekly Il Mondo and around the personalities who later founded, along with Ferruccio PARRI and others, the Salvemini Movements and the fortnightly publication Astrolabio, had left the Party, the Radical Left current, together with other groups within the Party, assumed the leadership and carried on with the political activities. The new leadership adopted a party line that departed "radically" from the one followed until then, which had presumed to furnish other political forces with a centre-left programme, and had assumed the task of laying the groundwork for an alternative line-up to the Christian Democrat Party.

To this end the final motion, in view of the upcoming Italian elections, called upon voters to support the parties of the left, identifying the unity of the Italian left and the construction of a new European left as the only real alternative for progress and liberty in a Europe threatened by the authoritarian control of the "Europe of the Six."

The "European Left" (the political forces - pacifist, radical and unitary socialist - which nevertheless differed from social democrat and communist parties) was seen as the main interlocutor. It was also affirmed that "only by confronting the task of progressively transforming the military apparatuses, which indisputably represent a constant in communist states as well as those of the West, into industrial ones, can we begin to resolve institutionally and democratically the issue of peaceful coexistence."

The National Leadership will be composed of:

National Secretaries: Luca BONESCHI, Vincenzo LUPPI, Marco PANNELLA.

Members: Leonida BALESTRERI (Genoa), Luigi PONCI (Como), Giuliano RENDI (Rome), Franco SORRENTINO (Bari), Gianfranco SPADACCIA (Rome), Domenico BARONCELLI (Ravenna), Massimo TEODORI (Rome), Licinio VALSERIATI (Brescia).

National Council of the Presidency: Elio VITTORINI. (AP3885)

APRIL - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism, Easter March

The Committee for Conventional and Nuclear Disarmament in Europe organizes a March with the support of numerous other political, religious and cultural groups and movements. The communist-inspired Peace Movement does not participate in the initiative, following a confrontation which began with the issue of Chinese nuclear weapons, and spread to the political platforms of the entire Italian peace movement. (AP 3885)

28 APRIL - Italy: Rome - General Election

Radical Party distributes booklet entitled "The Radical Vote," edited by Elio VITTORINI, Marco PANNELLA, Luca BONESCHI.

8/9 JUNE - Italy - RP National Council

Following this National Council on the theme of "Expansion or Liquidation of the Party" the "suspension of activities" of the executive organs was begun, while local sections and groups were called upon to increase and develop their activities. (AP 3885)

15 JULY - Italy: Rome - Media, Agenzia Radicale

The first issue of Agenzia Radicale, a duplicated "daily," comes out.

In the following months, and for some years to come (until December 1967) Radical activities were organized through the publication and distribution of this news sheet, which - although it did not come directly from the Party organs - functioned as an instrument for communicating Radical aims and linking local activities. Agenzia Radicale would also prove useful as a means of connecting with sympathetic groups in Europe; in fact, the majority of the material published by Agenzia Radicale was contributed by these very groups. (AP 3885)

AUGUST - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism

Agenzia Radicale denounces and provides evidence of arms trafficking between Italy and racist South Africa, authorized by the Minstry of Foreign Trade.

SEPTEMBER - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism

Agenzia Radicale informs readers about the construction, in secret and without parliamentary authorization, of a NATO base for submarines armed with nuclear warheads, in Sardinia.