9 JANUARY - Italy: Rome - Antiprohibitionism, Stampa Alternativa (Alternative Press) 21 JANUARY - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism JANUARY - Italy: Rome - Antiprohibitionism 1 APRIL - Italy: La Spezia - Antimilitarism 23/24 JUNE - Italy - Antiprohibitionism JULY - Italy: Rome - XII RP CONGRESS (Extraordinary) 25 JULY/8 AUGUST - Italy: Friuli - Antimilitarism 8 SEPTEMBER - Italy - Liberazione 20 SEPTEMBER - Italy: Modena - Abortion NOVEMBER - Italy: Verona - XIII RP CONGRESS (Extraordinary)
9 JANUARY - Italy: Rome - Antiprohibitionism, Stampa Alternativa (Alternative Press) At a PR Press Conference Marcello BARAGHINI presents the counter-information agency Stampa Alternativa (Alternative Press) whose main topics would be: drugs, music, sexuality, the youth condition... 21 JANUARY - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism Foundation of LOC (Lega degli Obiettori di Coscienza - League of Conscientious Objectors), federated with the RP. Cicciomessere and Rosa FILIPPINI elected as Secretaries. JANUARY - Italy: Rome - Antiprohibitionism Rome daily Il Messaggero publishes a letter from Pannella for the depenalization of "non-drugs." 1 APRIL - Italy: La Spezia - Antimilitarismo Rejecting a request for civilian service, the military court again sentenced Roberto CICCIOMESSERE, Secretary of the LOC, to several months imprisonment, along with six other conscientious objectors. 23/24 JUNE - Italy - Antiprohibitionism "Liberty and Drugs" Conference organized by the RP and Stampa Alternativa. JULY - Italy: Rome - XII RP CONGRESS (Extraordinary) The most important groups originating outside parliament support the referendum package and organizational expansion. 25 JULY/8 AUGUST - Italy: Friuli - Antimilitarism Seventh Antimilitarist March from Trieste to Aviano. 8 SEPTEMBER - Italy - Liberazione First issue of the Radical newspaper Liberazione, edited by Marco PANNELLA, is published. From 19 October onwards it would become a weekly, until it closed on 28 March 1974. 20 SEPTEMBER - Italy: Modena - Abortion Adele FACCIO announces the founding of the CISA (Centro Italiano Sterilizzazione e Aborto - Italian Centre for Sterilization and Abortion), in Milan. The association aims to supply information and assistance on contraception, sterilization and abortion. (INR348). From November onwards it would be federated with the RP. NOVEMBER - Italy: Verona - XIII RP CONGRESS (Extraordinary) Eight referendums on the Concordat, criminal law, military codes and freedom of the press, were drawn up. Elected organs First Secretary: Giulio ERCOLESSI Secretariat with Treasury functions: Liliana INGARGIOLA, Roberto DELLA ROVEREM Giuseppe RAMADORI, Rolando PARACHINI, Massimo TEODORI, Gianfranco SPADACCIA, Andrea TORELLI. |