International chronology of the Radical Party: 1982 |
29 MARCH - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism 11 APRIL - Italy: Rome - Hunger 19 APRIL - Eastern Europe: Major Capitals - Hunger 23 APRIL - EP: Strasbourg - Hunger 24 APRIL - Italy: Rome - Hunger 28 APRIL - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism JULY - Italy - Hunger, Nonviolence Italy: Bologna - XXVII RP CONGRESS The Sopravivenza 82 (Survival 82) campaign is launched, with the mobilization of mayors in Italy, France and Belgium in support of laws for extraordinary intervention. In France, Dominican Father Jean CARDONNEL begins a 40-day hunger strike with the mayors of the three countries. 29 MARCH - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism Radical and LDU activists begin a walk-around, circling the Parliament where the budget and a 35% increase in military spending are being discussed. Radical deputies Gianluigi MELEGA, Emma BONINO and Sandro TESSARI, opposed to any increase whatsoever in the military budget, also participate in the walk-around, which was repeated, on several occasions, throughout the discussion of the State Budget, until it was approved on 30 April. Various Radical deputies were expelled from the hall during the heated parliamentary debate.
11 APRIL - Italy: Rome - Hunger Easter March. Fifty thousand citizens, along with Nobel laureates, European and Italian MPs and gonfaloniers from hundreds of cities, ask that Operation Survival, to save 5 million lives, be launched immediately. During his Easter blessing, Pope John Paul II reminds the world that millions of human beings could be saved from starvation if humanity were to renounce to just a part of the resources allocated to armaments. 19 APRIL - Eastern Europe: Major Capitals - Hunger In Moscow, Prague, East Berlin, Bucharest, Sofia and Budapest, French, Spanish, Italian and Belgian activists simultaneously unfurl banners bearing the words "Life, Food, Disarmament;" distribute leaflets denouncing the non-participation of Eastern European countries in international initiatives for aid to the South of the world, and present the Manifesto-Appeal. They are arrested and deported. Warsaw, on the other hand, was under martial law which prevented foreigners from entering the country. 23 APRIL - EP: Strasbourg - Hunger A EP resolution on hunger in the world incorporates the requests of those who demonstrated on 19 April and calls upon Eastern Europe to contribute to the war on hunger. Every group, except the Communists, votes in favour of the resolution, Thus confirming that the world is split between North and South rather than East and West. (2354-2350) 24 APRIL - Italy: Rome - Hunger One thousand, three hundred Italian mayors present a "popular bill" engaging the Government to save 3 million human beings by the end of 1982. 28 APRIL - Italy: Rome - Antimilitarism During a "walk-around" - outside the Parliament - against an increase in military spending, numerous activists are stopped and assaulted by the police while staging a sit-in in front of the building. Ivan NOVELLI is arrested. The episode provoked various discussions in the hall and was taken up by a number of television networks. Radicals Spadaccia, De Luca and Vecellio begin a 2-month hunger strike (until 9 July), in support of the bill proposed by the mayors. Giovanni NEGRI starts a hunger strike (that was to last as long) aimed at making RAI-TV (State television) respect the deliberations of the Watchdog Committee on death from hunger. JULY - Italy - Hunger, Nonviolence Marco PANNELLA goes on repeated thirst strikes to accelerate the passage of the law. OCTOBER 28-31 AND NOVEMBER 1 - Italy: Bologna - XXVII RP CONGRESS The Party confirms its commitment to the war on hunger and the conversion of military apparatuses, and establishes a ruling for the use of public financing, which the RP refuses to accept, which will govern its distribution to outsiders. |