International chronology of the Radical Party: 1988 January-May |
2/6 JANUARY - Italy: Bologna - XXXIV RP Congress In his report, outgoing Secretary Negri proposes that the RP become a transnational party, also at the organizational and associative level. He proposes several alternatives for a new symbol, including that of Mahatma Gandhi. (NR no. 1 - 88 p.2) He presents parliamentary initiatives to convene the Etats Généraux to elect a European President. The approved motion states: "...we can no longer delay the establishment of a transnational political force, the only suitable instrument for affirming the ideals and values, and for achieving the objectives which, for thirty years, have been the raison dêtre of the Radical Party and its political campaigns". The essential conditions for the Partys continuing existence and its transnational activities are: Self-financing to the tune of 4 billion lira;
Elected organs:
JANUARY EP - Strasbourg - Israel, Minority Groups Marco Pannella contests the motion that condemns only Israeli repression in occupied territories without making reference to the violation of human rights in the Middle East. Pannella says, among other things: "I will vote against the illusion of a would-be democratic Kosovo, so that a democratic Basque Province, a democratic Northern Ireland may resolve their historic problems alone, in the face of a would-be totalitarian Britain, a would-be totalitarian Yugoslavia, a would-be totalitarian Europe". (NR no.1 -88 p.14) - R. Cicciomessere makes speech, entitled "A President for Europe", regarding the new European Parliament (NR no.1 - 88 p.15) - G. Spadaccia delivers one on the new transnational party, entitled "The New Leopard". (NR no. 1/88 p.14) Popular petition for a United States of Europe is drawn up. JANUARY - France: Paris - Dying of Hunger Forty thousand candles are lit in the Jardin du Palais Royal, for the 40,000 people who die from starvation every year: a moving demonstration organized by Food and Disarmament International in Paris, when President Mitterrand calls upon Nobel Laureates to express their thoughts on the year 2000. The French Governments indifference to the thousands dying from starvation is condemned. Marco Pannella is interviewed by Raul Morodo of El Pais concerning the RPs future activities in Spain. JANUARY - Yugoslavia/Slovenia - Media Mladina and Jana publish two features on the Radical Party. 12 FEBRUARY EP - Strasbourg - European Federalism On the initiative of three Radical MEPs the European Parliament signs and passes, with an absolute majority, a solemn declaration calling for: 1) constituent powers to be invested in the European Parliament; 2) the election by this parliamentary assembly of the President of the executive Commission of the Community, who until now has always been appointed by the intergovernmental heads of the EEC; 3) the election of a standing President of the European Council (composed of Heads of State and Government of the Member States) who, representing the majority of European and national Parliaments, would strengthen the supranational characteristics of this body. FEBRUARY EP - Strasbourg - Dying of Hunger While King Baudouin of Belgium, a signatory in 1983 of the "Survie" law against famine in the world, was making his speech at the European Parliament, Emma Bonino denounced the fact that his Prime Minister Marten had neglected to enforce the law, by holding up a placard reading: "Your Majesty! Martens has deceived you!" 12-14 FEBRUARY - Belgium: Brussels - Federal Council Secretary Stanzani affirms in his report that the creation of a "transnational party" means guaranteeing, above all in Europe, the presence of a political force operating with the same symbol, values, goals and interests, in several countries. Midterm objectives: five thousand new Italian members, and 1000 from abroad, before the end of June. The motion approves the reports by the Secretary and the Treasurer, and gives priority to the following: United States of Europe initiative; defence of human rights; antimilitarist campaign - also indicating deadlines for the membership campaign and self-financing drive. FEBRUARY - Greece: Athens - Antimilitarism Italian General Ambrogio Viviani testifies in favour of Greek conscientious objector Maragakis when his appeal is heard in Athens. Viviani, former Commander of the Folgore paratroop division and of Italian counterespionage, attends the proceedings as a Radical "substitute" deputy (Radical deputies often share their term of office with others, Ed). Before the military court he affirms that it is impossible to defend freedom and democracy from external enemies, if one is not capable of affirming and defending these things in ones own country. Maragakis sentence is reduced to 26 months. 12-14 MARCH - Italy: Formia - RP Seminar A seminar is held by Parliamentary Groups and the Secretariat of the RP to develop the activities, at the transnational level, of parliamentarians elected on Radical lists. 18 MARCH - Europe - European Federalism Signatures are collected on two petitions, one addressed to national Parliaments, the other to the European Parliament, to obtain a consultative referendum on the convening of the Etats Généraux dEurope . 100,000 signatures are collected throughout Europe. 21-25 MARCH - Togo: Lomé - Dying of Hunger The ACP-EEC joint assembly held in Lomé, in which Marco Pannella takes part, approves a resolution, inspired by the Manifesto of the Heads of State of ACP Countries, for the right to life and freedom, and against death from starvation. 25 March - Europe - European Federalism Signatures are collected, by the RP and the European Federalist Movement, on a popular bill calling for the consultative referendum on the investment of the European Parliament with constituent powers. Promotional activities include: an informative flyer; a letter to all Italian mayors asking for their support; a letter to European city councils and another to parliamentarians in the twelve EC Member States; a written appeal to intellectuals and celebrities in the entertainment world. 31 MARCH - Yugoslavia: Spalato - Entry to EEC During a football match between Italy and Yugoslavia, Radical activists unfurl a large banner reading: "Yugoslavia in the Common Market". They are stopped, fined, and expelled from the country for two years. 4 APRIL - Italy: Rome - Nonviolence Demonstration to commemorate the 20 th anniversary of Martin Luther Kings assassination. 25 APRIL - Italy: Rome - Civil Rights Demonstration to allow Bhagwan, an Indian guru and persona non grata in many countries because of his transgressive ideas, to enter Italy. The RP obtains a tourist visa for him from the Italian Government, thus fulfilling the objective laid down in a special motion passed by the RP Congress. APRIL - Belgium: Brussels - Dying of Hunger Over 2,000 take part in a silent march, organized by Food and Disarmament International, through downtown Brussels, against hunger, to denounce the fact that the Belgian Government has still not enforced the "Survie" law, passed five years previously, in 1983. APRIL - Spain: Madrid - Dying of Hunger In Plaza Mayor 40,000 candles are lit - like they were in Paris - to remind the world that people are still dying from starvation and to denounce Spains very modest contribution to development and the fight against hunger. Olivier Dupuis and Giovanni Negri meet with opposition leaders Geremek, Michnik, Bujak and Kuron, in defiance of a Government veto. MAY EP - Strasbourg - European Federalism The European Parliament, on the initiative of a number of Radical MEPs, approves a Solemn Declaration incorporating the aims of the resolution on the convening of the General States of the European nations, passed by the Italian Chamber of Deputies. Another Declaration asks that, concurrently with the 1989 elections, consultative referendums on the investment of the Parliament with constitutent powers for the creation of the European Union, be held in EC countries. The European Parliament engages the European Council, convened in Hanover, to follow up the deliberations contained in the Declarations, approved by an absolute majority of parliamentarians. 5-9 MAY - Spain: Madrid - Federal Council The report clearly illustrates the real size of the Party and its capital: 13.5 billion lira, 3 billion of which were obtained through self-financing (1.5 collected by Radio Radicale , 1.5 by the Party) and 10.5 from offices held in institutions (Radicals donate part of their salary to the Party, Ed.). 129 people are employed in various fields by the Party, by whom they are paid, but only 41 of these are directly engaged in party activities. The FC notes that it will be impossible for the Party to achieve the objectives laid down in the Bologna motion. The FC appoints a committee to select the new symbol of the transnational Radical Party. 12 MAY - Italy: Rome - Democracy in Poland During the official visit of Polish Premier Jaruzelskij, a sit-in is held outside the Polish Embassy and, the following day, RP Secretary Stanzani meets with Solidarity leaders (NR no. 107 of 24 May 1988, pp.11-12) and a nonviolent demonstration is held for freedom and democracy in Poland. 18-25 MAY - Europe - Environmentalism - Ozone Layer European Week of the Ozone Layer. Initiatives launched in Brussels, Rome, Barcelona, Madrid and Lisbon; and signatures collected. Demonstration in Lisbon 30 MAY - Britain: London - Rights for Homosexuals A RP delegation led by Secretary Sergio Stanzani takes part in the demonstration against the introduction of Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 which prohibits all branches of local government from promoting homosexual initiatives. Stanzani marches with the leaders. |