International chronology of the Radical Party: 1990 JANUARY - JULY |
2-7 JANUARY - Italy: Rome, Hotel Ergife - RP Federal Council A motion and a series of recommendations firmly in favour of the democratic changes underway in Eastern Europe are approved at this meeting attended by citizens from 21 countries. The motion gives priority to the creation of a United States of Europe by exerting pressure at the institutional level or through referendums or nonviolent initiatives, in those countries where democracy has just been introduced; and also proposes the adoption of a "first past the post" electoral system as opposed to a proportional system. The motion also incorporates the objective "one thousand members in two weeks, five thousand by February, ten thousand by March, fifty thousand by the end of the year..." 6 JANUARY - Italy: Rome - Death Penalty Demonstration against the death penalty outside the Christian Democrat Party headquarters, organized by the RP Federal Council following the presentation of a Christian Democrat retentionist bill. 11 JANUARY - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Death Penalty, Hunger Strike Czech Radical leader John Bok begins a hunger strike to have the abolition of the death penalty from Czechoslovakian law put on the agenda of the Federal Parliament immediately. 15 JANUARY - Italy: Rome - Death Penalty Radical delegations led by Sergio Stanzani and Emma Bonino visit the embassies of 11 countries where the death penalty is in force (Belgium, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Israel, Nigeria, Poland, United States, Hungary, Soviet Union, Yugoslavia), and present the RP Federal Council document asking said countries to abolish the death penalty. 16 JANUARY - EUROPE: Various Capitals - Death Penalty Demonstrations held simultaneously outside Czechoslovakian embassies throughout Europe (in Moscow, Bucharest, Belgrade, Madrid, Lisbon, Budapest, Paris, Brussels, Athens, Zagreb and Rome) in support of the nonviolent initiative undertaken by John Bok to encourage the new democratic Czech institutions to abolish the death penalty. Ambassadors in several countries receive Radical delegations who deliver a letter from Bok to the authorities. 16 JANUARY - Europe - Death Penalty, Hunger Strike At midnight over 300 citizens associated with Bok's initiative begin a hunger strike throughout Europe. 17 JANUARY - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Death Penalty, Hunger Strike Vaclav Havel, President of the Czech Republic, invites John Bok, engaged at that very moment in a demonstration outside Hradcany Castle, to meet with him. Havel assures Bok that he will do everything in his power to abrogate the death penalty from the new legislation, and urges Bok and the Radicals to end their hunger strike, which they do the next day. 17 JANUARY - EP. Strasbourg - Aglietta Elected Adelaide Aglietta, member of the Radical Party elected on the "Verde Arcobaleno per l'Europa" (Green Rainbow for Europe) list, is also elected President of the EP Delegation for Relations with Romania and Bulgaria. 19 JANUARY - Azerbaijan, Baku - Headquarters Destroyed The headquarters of Radical Party activists in Baku, an apartment owned by Armenians, is completely destroyed by unknown hooligans. The RP has about a dozen members in Baku, none of whom were present when the premises were attacked. 20 JANUARY - Romania - Death Penalty The RP send a letter-appeal to the Romanian authorities, signed by hundreds of personalities from the world of politics and culture, asking for a referendum aimed at reinstating the death penalty to be revoked. The interim Romanian Government announces the annulment of the referendum almost at once. 23 JANUARY - Cuba: Havana - Official Meetings Senator Gianfranco Spadaccia and other Italian parliamentarians meet with the Cuban Foreign Minister Malmierca and President Castro. A policy of respect for human rights and for freedom of association and opinion, is advocated. The delegation asks in vain to visit a number of political prisoners. (NR) 26 - 29 JANUARY - Italy: Rome - II RP Congress A dialogue with the communists is the principal theme of the Congress at which Cesare Salvi, representing the Italian Communist Party, takes the floor. Marco Pannella expresses the wish that at least one communist for every Italian Municipality would join the RP. And Salvi replied: "the wish expressed by the Radicals will not fall on deaf ears...but it certainly won't come true." (DC) 13 FEBRUARY - Germany: Stuttgart, Frankfurt - Assemblies Croatian journalist Zeljko Rosko, Vice-President of RUSED, the Radical organization in Croatia, takes the floor at two large assemblies to present to Croatian immigrants the new political movements in their homeland. 17 FEBRUARY - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Assembly Seventy people make speeches at an assembly during which proposals are made to open a public debate in support of the "first past the post" electoral system; to raise the issue of the death penalty that was once again being ignored; to collect signatures on a petition for the United States of Europe. 20 FEBRUARY - Slovenia: Ljubljana - European Federalism Bonino, Pannella, Stanzani, Busdachin and Ottoni meet the leaders of the Party for Democratic Renewal, presidential candidate Milan Kucan, Ciril Ribicic, Peter Bekes and Tatiana Juratovec, and express their common interest in the creation of a federalist Europe. At a subsequent press conference Pannella, stressing the dangers of proportional representation, states: "I would not like to see, as an effect of proportional representation, "Real Socialism" succeeded by "Real Democracy", the democracy of the official parties, as this form of democracy could very well maintain that the Radicals have outlived their use. Now there is greater freedom we seem to have fewer friends. Only the Party for Democratic Renewal has responded to our attempts to establish contact." In particular, Pannella remarked on the cold reception from the Young Socialists - "who gave me a party card only a few months ago". 22 FEBRUARY - Croatia: Zagreb - Assembly, Electoral List Speaking at a conference held to make the public familiar with the work of the RP, Marco Pannella announces the presence at the upcoming elections of a nonviolent, green European federalist list, supported by several Radicals, former "Young Socialists" and exponents of the Green movements. He emphasizes the non-national aspect of the Radical Party and its non-participation, as such, in elections, and invites members from all Croatian political parties to join. A long interview with MEP Pannella appears in the daily Vjesnik. 23 FEBRUARY - USSR: Moscow - Homosexuality First press conference held by lesbians and homosexuals, organized by the Radical association "Libertà e Pace" (Freedom and Peace) in a regime where homosexual relationships are still punishable by law. Leaders of the Union of Sexual Minorities ask for the abrogation of the relevant laws and request to be allowed to have the right to participate fully in all political and social activities. 23 FEBRUARY - USSR: Moscow - Antimilitarism Radicals demonstrate in Moscow for the disbandment of the Soviet Army, on the anniversary of its foundation, and for the right to conscientious objection. 24 FEBRUARY - Yugoslavia: Croatia - Nationalism/Media The daily Vjesnik publishes a long speech by RP Secretary Stanzani on nationalism and democracy. "...the national path to development and democracy is only a tragic illusion..." 28 FEBRARY/5 MARCH - Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou - RP Congress A Radical delegation composed of Marco Pannella, Basile Guissou, Mustapha Sarr and Alexandre De Perlinghi, takes part in the Congress held by the People's Front of Burkina Faso. Pannella takes the floor to affirm the rule of law in Burkina Faso; nonviolence as an instrument for political action; the importance of federalism to African countries. FEBRUARY/MARCH - Romania: Bucarest - Meetings Antonio Stango and Violeta Barrascu meet with leaders and exponents of political parties and independent social and cultural groups, as well as Romanian mass-media chiefs. 2 MARCH - ITALY: Rome - Radio Radicale The official radio of the Radical Party interrupts its broadcasts to transmit a recorded message repeatedly. For 14 years Radio Radicale has provided the only direct information on the life of the Italian institutions, with its uncut broadcasts of parliamentary sittings, the most important congresses, conventions and trials. The message asks for the approval of a bill asking for an extraordinary contribution of 20 billion Lira to be able to continue to provide this service. 4 MARCH - USSR: Moscow - Assembly Marino Busdachin is invited to speak at the Muscovite Tribune, where debates are held by the Soviet reformist intelligentsia led by deputies of the Afanasiev, Yeltsin, Popov Interregional Group (Radical) of the Supreme Soviet. (NR) 8 MARCH - Yugoslavia: Zagreb - United States of Europe A table is set up in the Square of Flowers, where it will remain for the entire month, to enrol new members and collect signatures on a petition for a United States of Europe and for Yugoslavia's entry into the European Community. 10 MARCH - Europe: Budapest, Rome - Tibet On the anniversary of the repression of the Lhasa uprising in 1959 sit-ins are staged outside Chinese embassies for the freedom of the Tibetan people and the recognition of their rights. A letter is delivered, urging that Lobsang Tensing, a student condemned to death for killing a policeman, be spared from execution. Negri feels the necessity to raise the issue of the recognition of the Tibetan Government in exile, in the Italian Parliament. 10 MARCH - USSR: Leningrad - Democracy Local Radicals take part, with federalist and nonviolent proposals, in the demonstration staged by the democratic oppositions in Leningrad to obtain free elections and to express their disapproval of the hostility towards Gorbachev's proposal for a presidential republic. Anne Losonczy, RP Federal Councillor and member of the Foreign Affairs Committe of the Alliance of Hungarian Free Democrats, speaks at the International Congress of the Pan-European Union chaired by Otto von Habsburg. 12 MARCH - Yugoslavia: Zagreb - Borders Thirty or so Croatian Radicals demonstrate in Republic Square against the Markovic Bill on the extension of the border by one kilometre. Brief TV report. 13 MARCH - USRR: Moscow - Evgenia DEBRANSKAJA RP Federal Councillor Evgenia Debranskaja is arrested after refusing to pay a large fine accruing from various convictions for having organized unauthorized public demonstrations. The next day, she is tried and sentenced to one week's imprisonment; however, she takes advantage of the momentary confusion at the end of the trial and manages to escape. 16 MARCH - U.S.A.: New York - Justice, Silvia Baraldini Emma Bonino visits Silvia Baraldini, sentenced in America to 43 years imprisonment for criminal association of a political nature. Baraldini, who has undergone two operation, complains of inadequate medical aid and confirms her wish to be extradited, also in order to receive proper medical assistance. 16 MARCH - Yugoslavia/Croatia: Zagreb - Election Campaign Official presentation of the "Lista europea e verde" (European and Green List) coalition promoted by, among others, the Zagreb Radical Association for a United States of Europe. Their political platform includes: a referendum for the accession of Croatia and Yugoslavia to the European Community; the defence of nature and the fight against pollution; human rights and nonviolence: women's rights and the right to abortion; right to identity and to information. 18 MARCH - USSR: Moscow - Radical Conference Despite pressure exerted by the KGB, which condemns the Radicals as "the party of the depraved", the administration and entire group of teachers at the state-run MOSFILM (film school) refuses to be intimidated. Not only does the school allow Busdachin, Khramov and Podlesova to hold a conference on its premises, it also participates! At the end of the debate a dozen people join the RP. 20 March - USSR: Moscow - Meeting with Afanasiev Yuri Afanasiev, leader of the interregional deputies, meets with a Radical delegation led by Marino Busdachin. Afanasiev welcomes the Transnational Radical Party's participation in the civil, nonviolent campaign conducted by "CIVIL ACTION", the movement for democratic reform, comprising over one hundred organizations. 20 MARCH - USSR: Moscow - First Public Assembly After months of virtually clandestine activity Moscow Radicals are invited to hold a public meeting at the School of Music no. 57, but the doors are locked by the police when it is due to take place. The Radicals decide to hold their meeting in the street, attracting the attention of many passers-by. The police limit themselves to checking the documents of one or two persons. During the event 36 people join the Radical Party. 30 MARCH - USSR: Moscow - Antimilitarism Police raid the Moscow headquarters. They are looking for Radical Aleksandr Pronozin, who failed to report for military service several months previously. They are unlucky: Pronozin is hiding elsewhere, safe for the moment 31 MARCH - Europe: Various Capitals - Democracy in Lithuania Demonstrations are held in front of the Soviet and Lithuanian embassies in Rome, Brussels, Prague and Zagreb, to establish a dialogue with the respective political authorities. Letters addressed to President Gorbachev and to Lithuanian President Landsberghis, are delivered. At Gorky Central Park the Radical Party organizes, together with other associations, a demonstration in which several thousand citizens participate. Federal Councillor Evgenia Debranskaja speaks on behalf of Lithuanian conscientious objectors. MARCH - ROMANIA: Bucharest - Radical Office The first Radical office in Romania is opened at Str. Onesti. 1 APRILE - USSR: Moscow - Democracy in Lithuania Second day of demonstrations in support of Lithuania. Nikolaj Khramov addresses two thousand people, in the square of the Luzinski Stadium, asking for Lithuania's independence, and that the country become a member of the United States of Europe. 1 APRIL - USSR: Liberal-Democrat Congress Irina Podlesova takes part in the congress at which Vladimir Zhirinovski's Liberal Democratic Party is founded. In her speech she asks his Party to collaborate on issues of common interest, such as the United States of Europe and the rule of law. 4 APRILE - Yugoslavia: Zagreb - Elections Croatia's most important newspaper, Vecernj List, publishes the electoral programme of the Radical Association for the United States of Europe. The five hundred signatures necessary for presenting the candidates - members of the RP - on the "Lista Europea Verde" (European Green List), were also collected. 7 APRIL - USSR: Kuybyshev (Samara) - Tbilisi Anniversary A demonstration is held by the RP and the Democratic Union on the anniversary of the events in Tbilisi. About a hundred people take part, despite the fact that the press and the Radicals were threatened by the police. 8 APRIL - Yugoslavia/Croatia: Krka - Environment Demonstration organized in the Krka national park by Radicals, in favour of the "Lista Europea Verde" (European Green List) and against the pollution of the river and woodland in the park, caused by the many waste disposal outlets and the factories in the surrounding area, which makes purifiers conforming to EC standards a must. Despite the bad weather, one hundred or so people attend the event and the rock concert, both of which were reported on Croatian television. 9 APRIL - Britain: London - Antiprohibitionism Taradash, Bertrand and Henman hold an antiprohibitionist conference in reply to the prohibitionist summit organized by Margaret Thatcher, to denounce the ineffectiveness of repressive policies on drugs. 11 APRIL - Yugoslavia: Zagreb - Human Rights in Kosovo About twenty Radicals demonstrate in Republic Square, against the arrest in Pristina of two Albanian students accused of making enquiries into recent cases of poisoning in Albania. Wearing gas masks, the Radicals also ask for the release of political prisoners in Kosovo. The event was reported on TV and in the most important dailies. 11 APRIL - USSR: Moscow - Antimilitarism Oleg Gorscenin, member of the Radical Party and of the peace movement "Doverie" (Trust), who had failed to report for military service, is arrested in the apartment of Evgenia Debranskaja. Sentenced to eighteen months' hard labour as a draft dodger in 1989, he had succeeded in remaining at large until today. 13 APRIL - Burkina Faso - Radical Association AREDA (Radical Association for the Rule of Law in Africa), with headquarters in Ouagadougou, is legally recognized. 14 APRILE - Yugoslavia: Zagreb - Poisoning in Kosovo The Radical Association for the United States of Europe holds a press conference on the cases of food poisoning in Kosovo. Toxicologist Slobodan Lang, three doctors and journalists Marinkovic and Sabalic, who have just returned from Pristina, confirm that police stationed in front of the hospitals were controlling the hundreds of people showing symptoms of poisoning. If the possibility of determining the causes or the methods used has to be excluded, so does the theory that the symptoms were being simulated by the masses, which was put forward in several medical reports elucidated on by Federal Councillor De Perlinghi. 14 APRIL - Yugoslavia/Croatia: Hungarian Border - Demonstration Over 30 Radicals from Budapest, Bjelovar and Zagreb, take part in a demonstration at the Yugoslav-Hungarian border at Granica and Letenje. The chief of the border police was enthusiastic about the protest, while Croatian television ignored it. 17 APRILE - USSR: Moscow - Antimilitarism A petition is circulated to free Oleg Gorscenin and all the other Soviet conscientious objectors. Deputies of the Moscow Soviet are among the first signatories. 17 APRIL - Yugoslavia: Zagreb - Right to Information Press conference to denounce the incorrect behaviour of the State television network which did not respect its commitment to put a television unit at the disposal of Radicals and other political movements, for at least five broadcasts during the election campaign. 18 APRIL - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Information Radicals John Bok, Richard Stockar and Paolo Pietrosanti take part in the "Political News" programme broadcast by Czechoslovakian television on Channel 2. 19 APRIL - Yugoslavia: Zagreb - Election Campaign Presentation of Radical candidates on the "Lista Europea Verde" (European Green List) at the Museum of Contemporary Art. They include: Vito Cesmadziski, graphic??? designer; Diana Rexhepi, journalist; Zeljko Rosko, journalist; Goijko Marinkovic, journalist; Zoran Niketic, student; Goran Predegan, punk; Lidia Sertic, clerk. 19 APRIL - Yugoslavia: Zagreb - Election Campaign 150 people, including leaders and candidates from the various parties running for election, attend a dinner with "The Transparty" as its theme, organized by Radical candidates at the close of the campaign. 20 APRIL - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Election Campaign Individual members of the Radical Party will take part in the upcoming elections as candidates on various lists; namely, John Bok, Pavel Timco, Richard Stockar, Jaromir Soukup, Pavel Vesely, Zdenek Zaoral, Ota Veverka, Ivan Jirous on the HOS (Civil Rights Movement) list; Marcel Pok on the Republican Union list; Radel Novacek on the Civic Forum list. 24 APRIL - Hungary: Budapest - Assembly The meeting, attended by twenty or so Radicals, appoints Csok Remo to coordinate new initiatives to relaunch the RP membership campaign in Hungary. 25 APRIL - USSR: Moscow - Antiprohibitionism Three hundred people take part in the first antiprohibitionist event in the USSR. Speakers include Arnold Trebach, President of the Drugs Policy Foundation in Washington, Lorenzo Strik Lievers and Marino Busdachin. The meeting is held in the Institute of the Historical Archives in Moscow, thanks to the director Juri Afanasiev. At the end of the meeting about 30 Soviet citizens join the Radical Party. 26 APRIL - Yugoslavia: Zagreb - Elections At the primary, which saw the Croatian nationalists of the HDZ emerging strongly, the Radical candidates do not obtain the required quorum of 5% while the "Lista Europa Verde" (European Green List) achieve only 4.1% which puts them out of the running. 27 APRIL - Italy: Turin - Ecology Demonstration staged outside the French Consulate by the Radical Party and the "Lista Laica Verde Civica Antiproibizionista" (Lay Green Civic Antiprohibitionist List), against the Superphoenix plutonium plant. 27 APRIL - Italy: Rome - European Federalism At a meeting with Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti, Peppino Calderisi, President of the "Gruppo Federalista Europeo" (European Federalist Group) in the Chamber of Deputies and Francesco Gui, leader of the "Movimento Federalista Europeo" (European Federalist Movement), stress the need to issue a constituent mandate to the European Parliament and to set up an "ad hoc committee" chaired by President of the European Commission Jacques Delors. 28 APRIL - USSR: Moscow - Legalization of Political Parties An official from the Soviet Ministry of the Interior meets several Radical leaders with regard to the debate on bills concerning security and the legalization of new social and political groups. 29 APRIL - Czechoslovakia: Brno - Assembly Moravian Radicals hold their first assembly, in which Paolo Pietrosanti and Richard Stockar participate. A membership campaign is launched and tables set up to distribute information in Brno. 30 APRILE - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Assembly Forty or so Radicals discuss the electoral situation and, more particularly, the candidacy of members on the various lists. It is necessary for candidates to have clearly-defined platforms featuring: EC membership for Czechoslovakia; electoral reform; protection of the environment; and, more specifically, the shutting down of the Temelin nuclear power station. 3 MAY - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Death Penalty The Federal Parliament abolishes the death penalty and substitutes it with life imprisonment, as a result of the lengthy campaign undertaken by Czechoslovakian Radicals and others. It is a significant victory, made possible not only by the commitment undertaken by President Havel but also "by the entire Radical Party, by the six hundred Radicals who, with John Bok and the others launched - with a hunger strike - in January this civil campaign and made possible this real, and extremely important, democratic achievement". 6/7 MAY - Italy - Local Elections At the elections of the "Regional Councils" held on 6-7 May 1990 in Italy six candidates on the "Antiprohibitionist" lists promoted by several Radicals are elected, and eight on the "Verdi-Arcobaleno" (Green-Rainbow) lists. On the two "Alternativa Democratica" (Democratic Alternative) lists promoted by individual Radicals and the Communist Party Marco Pannella is elected in L'Aquila and Emma Bonino in Brà. 6 MAY - USSR: Kiev - Lithuania Debranskaja and other Radicals, together with various political movements and organizations, take part in the drafting of a document against the economic sanctions imposed on Lithuania. 11 MAY - USSR: Moscow - Antiprohibitionism Seven Radical activists take part in the evening organized by The All-Union Society for Saving Children and Adolescents from Alcohol and Drug Abuse, setting up a table to distribute information concerning antiprohibitionist theories. Khramov and Pronozin are interviewed briefly for the TV programme Vzgljad (Look). 12 MAY - USSR: Moscow - Human Rights in China On the occasion of the Chinese Prime Minister's visit to Moscow and a few weeks after the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, Moscow Radicals present to the Chinese Authorities an appeal signed by Radicals from various countries, asking for the annulment of sentences imposed on political prisoners and for their release. 22 MAY - EP: Strasbourg - Environment Over 60 MEPs sign an open letter to the European and Italian authorities and those of the Italian region of Abruzzo, presented by Marco Pannella, for an immediate stop to be put to the "Lotto Zero" project (a road) which would cause irreparable damage to a heritage of "major environmental and cultural interest". 23 MAY - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Assembly, Radical Office About 70 people attend a meeting of Czechoslovakian Radicals and activists, held to inaugurate the Radical headquarters in Prague. Speakers include Honorary President Bruno Zevi, Bonino, Negri, John Bok and Richard Stockar. 24 MAY - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Official Meetings As a gesture of reconciliation and recognition, Czechoslovakian President Vaclav Havel warmly welcomes a Radical delegation composed of many militants who had been expelled by the old regime for their protest actions. The Italian members of the delegation were Maddalena Antona Traversi, Lucio Berte, Paola Caravaggi, Vincenzo Donvito, Antonio Lalli, Giuseppe Lorenzi, Giovanni Negri, Carlo Romeo, Alas Sirad, Andrea Tamburi; there were two Belgians, Olivier Dupuis and Jean-Luc Robert, and one Spaniard, Begonia Rodriguez. Bruno Zevi, Emma Bonino, Paolo Pietrosanti and many Czech Radicals took part in the meeting, during which such themes as human rights in Tibet and European Federalism were explored. 24 MAY - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Press Conference Following the meeting with President Havel, Richard Stockar holds a press conference to explain, on behalf of Czech Radicals, the Europeanist and federalist petitions advocating Czechoslovakia's swift accession to the EC and the abolition of visas for people travelling between Czechoslovakia and EC countries. Zevi, Bonino and Negri replied to the many questions asked by journalists present. 26 MAY - Romania: Bucharest - Democracy and Elections Adelaide Aglietta, leader of the EP Romania-EC delegation, and Antonio Stango, chair of the "Comitato Helsinki-Italia" (Helsinki-Italia Committee) supervise the elections as international observers. According to Stango, illegal activities resulted in the FSN gaining 20% more of the votes. 30 MAY - Czechoslovakia - Democracy in Lithuania Radicals demonstrate outside Soviet embassies and consulates in Prague, Brno and Karlovy Vari to protest against any form of violent solution to the Lithuanian crisis. A Radical delegation meets Lithuanian President Vitautas Landsberghis during his visit to Prague, who formally thanked the RP for its initiatives on his country's behalf. 30 MAY - USSR: Moscow - Antimilitarism Aleksandr Kalinin, deputy of the Moscow Soviet and member of the Radical Party, and Aleksandr Pronozin collect signatures from 76 Soviet deputies on an appeal for the recognition of the right to conscientious objection. The Parliamentary Intergroup for Tibet, the "Associazione Italia-Tibet" (Italy-Tibet Association) and the "Comitato Vivo il Tibet" (Live Tibet Committee) organize a public meeting between His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama - 1989 Nobel Peace Laureate - and members of the Italian press and Parliament. Giovanni Negri protests against the silence of the Italian Government and its refusal to recognize the political authority of the Dalai Lama while officially welcoming Arafat and other political leaders in exile. 2 JUNE - Italy: Rome - Democracy in China On the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, the RP holds a demonstration outside the Embassy of the People's Republic of China, followed by another in front of the Italian Foreign Ministry. 3 JUNE - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Democracy in China A silent, candlelit procession leaves Wenceslaus Square at midnight and makes its way to the Old Town, on the anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre. Several organizations participate in this Radical initiative. 5 JUNE - Italy: Rome - Justice, RP Membership Pierluigi Concutelli, the military leader of "Ordine Nuovo" (New Order) - a right wing terrorist organization that has now disbanded - sentenced to life imprisonment for killing a judge, joins the Radical Party. The RP now has about 100 prisoners among its members, twenty of whom were convicted on terrorist charges. They include: Alberto Franceschini, founder of the "Brigate Rosse" (Red Brigade); Sergio Segio and Nicola Solimano, leaders of "Prima Linea" (Front Line); Luca Frassineti, COLP; Rocco Martino, "Azione Rivoluzionaria" (Revolutionary Action) ; Livio Lai, NAR; Maged El Moky, a Palestinian sentenced for hijacking the "Achille Lauro" cruiser. The prisoners are asking the RP to uphold the Gozzini Law and the benefits provided for by the new Penal Code. 7 JUNE - Italy: Rome - European Federalism RP Secretary Stanzani meets Giovanni Vigo, Secretary of the "Movimento Federalista Europeo" (European Federalist Movement), to discuss problems concerning the European Union. In a joint statement they declare that the only way to achieve European Union was "to issue a constituent mandate to the European Parliament, as requested by 88% of the Italian population with the referendum held on 18 June 1989". 13 JUNE - EP: Strasbourg - South Africa, Democracy Over 80 MEPs sign a resolution presented by Marco Pannella, calling on Nelson Mandela and the ANC to return to their Gandhian roots and to withdraw all support for violent actions to bring the political struggle to an end. The resolution also asks the European Community to lift all sanctions against South Africa in view of the country's efforts to achieve democratization 14 JUNE - EP: Strasbourg - Romania, Democracy Following the violent repression of the students who demonstrated in University Square in Bucharest, the European Commission freezes trade agreements upon request of Adelaide Aglietta, leader of the EP - Romania delegation. 15 JUNE - Italy: Rome - South Africa, Democracy Motion calling for the reduction of sanctions imposed on South Africa is tabled in the Italian Chamber of Deputies by the Christian Democrats, Republicans and Social Democrats, on the initiative of the RP. 16 JUNE - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Italy: Rome - Democracy in Romania Over 300 people demonstrate outside the Romanian Embassy to denounce the Iliescu regime's responsibility for the harsh repression of students in recent times. 15/17 JUNE - Czechoslovakia: Prague - RP Seminar A seminar entitled "The Transnational Radical Party and the New Europe" is attended by the organs of the Party and of the Federal Council, European and Italian parliamentarians, and Radical members active in Central and Eastern Europe, including - apart from Czech members and sympathizers - activists from Budapest, Moscow, Leningrad, Vilnius, Skopje, Zagreb, Ljubljana and Bucharest. Organizational problems and upcoming initiatives in the various countries are discussed during the debate. Furthermore, a campaign is planned for the collection of signatures, in the various countries, on five petitions: for the United States of Europe; for the presentation of an application for EC membership; for the free movement of persons; for the abolition of the death penalty; for the right to conscientious objection 18 JUNE - Czechoslovakia: Prague - Democracy in Romania Over one hundred people who attended the Radical seminar demonstrate outside the Romanian Embassy. Interview with Pannella published in Zemedeslske Noviny. 23 JUNE - USSR: Moscow - Antimilitarism One hundred and fifty conscientious objectors, including many Soviet Radicals, demonstrate near the Ministry of Defence. Pronozin speaks concerning initiatives to obtain a new law. 27 JUNE - Denmark: Copenhagen - Human Rights Nikolaj Khramov speaks on behalf of the RP at the International Convention on Human Rights held by Amnesty International. JULY - Italy: Rome - Radical Headquarters The RP inaugurates its new Rome headquarters in Via di Torre Argentina 76. As a result of Radical action a Special Commission on EC Policy is instituted in the Chamber of Deputies. 6/8 JULY - Britain: London- Human Rights, Tibet Giovanni Negri leads the Italian delegation taking part in the International Conference on Tibet. 10 JULY - EP: Strasbourg - South Africa Marco Pannella presents a resolution on South Africa in the European Parliament, asking that the ANC and Nelson Mandela bring their positions into line with the requirements of nonviolence, thus permitting the EC to start procedures to lift the sanctions. The resolution was signed by 80 deputies. 10 JULY - Yugoslavia: Pristina - Democracy, Kosovo The police prevent the meeting organized by Yugoslavian Radicals and promoted by the Albanian daily Rilindia from taking place. The next day a press conference held by Dr. Slobodan Lang and Radicals Busdachin, Rexhepi and Cesmadziski is also interrupted by the police. In the afternoon, however, the Radicals succeed in meeting with Hairullah Gorani and other leaders and parliamentarians from Kosovo, and evaluating the gravity of the persecution against Albanian minority groups. 10 JULY - Italy: Rome - Radical Parliamentarians Emma Bonino and Sandro Tessari take over as deputies from Radicals Francesco Rutelli and Emilio Vesce who have opted to sit on the Regional Council of Campania and of the Veneto, respectively. 11 JULY - Yugoslavia: Macedonia - Assembly Leaders of the new Macedonian parties join the Radical Party, following debates organized in Kumanovo and Skopje, in which Slobodan Lang, Cesmadziski and Rexhepi participate. The daily Borba viciously attacks Dr. Lang, a member of the League of Yugoslav Communists, both for visiting Kosovo and for joining the Radical Party. 20 JULY - USSR: Moscow - Antimilitarism Radical activists collaborate on the drafting of a bill on conscientious objection, promoted by Russian parliamentarians Reznik and Domrin, and by Aleksandr Kalinin. A petition calling for the introduction of an alternative civilian service in the USSR would be distributed in the next few days, to support the initiative. |