International Cronology of
Transnational Radical Party: 2001
17 January - Italy: Rome - Death Penalty
A demonstration is organised outside the seat of the Palestinian Delegation
by the Radical association Hands off Cain and by the Radical Party itself,
against the death sentence for treason handed down by a Palestinian
military court against two young men: Hussameddin Mousa Aslini (aged
19) and Mohammed Khatib (aged 29). Their trial lasted just two hours
and the counsel for the defence appointed by the court was given only
half an hour to present his request for clemency. Concerning the public
executions, the reported summary executions and dozens of arrests and
the existence of a list with 97 names of suspected collaborators, in
Palestine, the Secretary of Hands off Cain, Sergio D'Elia, opines that:
"A moratorium on executions must be introduced urgently in Palestine.
(...) If the PLO is not in a position to guarantee fair trials, the
death penalty should not be inflicted".

17 January - Italy: Florence; Milan
- Tibet
The Regional Council of Tuscany unanimously approves a motion inspired
by the Tuscan Radicals, asking the Italian Parliament to enforce immediately
the resolution passed by the European Parliament on 6 July 2000 which
calls upon EU Member States to recognise the Tibetan Government in Exile
as the legitimate representative of the Tibetan people, in the event
that the Chinese and Tibetans are unable to reach an agreement in their
negotiations under the aegis of the United Nations within three years.
A Tibetan flag is displayed alongside the gonfalon of Tuscany. In February
a similar motion, signed by all group leaders, was to be unanimously
approved, on the initiative of the Radical councillors, by the Regional
Council of Lombardy and the Tibetan flag raised with the Lombardy flag.
24 January - Belgium: Brussels - Public Financing
Radical MEPs address an open letter to the President of the European
Commission, Romano Prodi, and demonstrate outside the Breydel Palace
in protest against the approval of a project designed to regulate the
public financing received by European political parties. The project,
which had been placed on the agenda of the weekly meeting of the European
Commission, would increase the generous sums already assigned "unconditionally"
to political groups by the EP.

25 January - European Parliament - Drugs
Following the resignation of Michael Von de Schulenburg, Director for
Division Operations and Analysis of the UNCPD (the UN agency for the
fight against drug-trafficking headed by Pino Arlacchi, the man responsible
for devolving huge sums to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan), after
he had denounced the irresponsible management of the Agency's human
and financial resources as well as its evident incapacity to propose
and implement policies within its sphere of competence, Maurizio Turco,
leader of the Radical deputies at the EP, sends a letter to the President
of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, requesting that the funds
destined for the UNDCP be frozen and that a thorough investigation be
carried out concerning the use of the financing already assigned. Prodi
replies that, in the light of available information, he does not deem
the suspension of cooperation activities with the UN Agency opportune.
"The European Union does not see, does not hear and does not speak,"
is Maurizio Turco's comment.

Luca Coscioni
30 January - European Parliament - Israel
Radical MEPs begin collecting signatures at the European Parliament
for the immediate preparation of a draft agreement to secure the State
of Israel's full participation in the European Union. The proposal (presented
by Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino) affirms that an isolated State of
Israel - an island of democracy among Arab States - cannot guarantee
the legality and freedom of its citizens, the Middle East and the Mediterranean
world of which it is part, and ensure its own security and that of others.
The many signatories include: Willi De Clerq, Christoph Beazley, François
Zimeray, Jas Cawronski, Antonio Di Pietro, Pietro Mennea, Reinhold Messner,
Claudio Martelli, Gianfranco Fini, Franco Marini.
February - Italy - Cloning for Therapeutic Purposes
Luca Coscioni, a candidate on the Bonino ticket for the Italian elections
who has suffered from lateral amyotrophic sclerosis for five years,
sends an open letter to Nobel laureates and scientists asking them for
a message of support for the campaign he is conducting with the Radicals
for freedom of research and scientific practice and against the interference
and vetoes of the Catholic Church, particularly with regard to experimentation
with frozen embryos and cloning for therapeutic purposes (which could
offer hundreds of thousands of sick people in Italy a real chance of
recovery). Fifty Nobel laureates and over 400 scientists from all over
the world respond to his letter and support his candidacy. José Saramago,
who received the Nobel Prize for Literature, writes expressing the hope
that "the light of reason and of human respect will illuminate the dark
souls of those who still believe that our destiny is, and will always
be, in their hands. We had been waiting a long time for the dawn of
a new day, we were tired of waiting, but suddenly the courage of a man
struck dumb by a terrible illness has given us new strength".
1 February - European Parliament - Former Yugoslavia
Olivier Dupuis presents an oral question to the Council, concerning
the case of over 2000 Kosovars who were seized in the spring of 1999
by the military forces of Belgrade. Since their ongoing detention can
be defined as kidnapping under international law, Dupuis asks which
initiatives the Council intends to undertake to ensure that the prisoners
are handed over to the United Nations Interim Administration Mission
in Kosovo (UNMIK), the only institution that can legally hear any charges
against them.
20-22 February - Sierra Leone: Freetown - Human Rights
On the initiative of the Radical association No Peace Without Justice,
and with contributions from the Canadian Government, European Union
and Open Society Institute, a conference is held in Freetown to analyse
jurisdictional mechanisms for bringing to trial those who committed
atrocities during the Sierra Leone conflict.
21-23 February - Ghana: Accra - International Criminal Court (ICC)
A conference on the "Domestic Implementation of the Rome Statute"- sponsored
by the European Union, the Open Society Institute and the Department
for Foreign Affairs and International Commerce of Canada and organised
in association with the International Coalition of NGOs for the International
Criminal Court and GHAFFOMP, the Ghanian organisation of former MPs
- is held in Accra. At the end of the conference delegates from 15 African
countries adopt a declaration in which they engage themselves to accelerate
the ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court
by their respective States.
28 February - Italy - Former Yugoslavia: Telekom Serbia "Affair"
Apropos of the financing funnelled by the Italian Government into Milosovic's
regime, and with particular reference to the share in Telekom Serbia
acquired by an Italian public company, STET - an affair denounced by
the Radicals in 1997, which has only now hit the headlines in Italy
following an inquiry published by the daily newspaper La Repubblica
-, Foreign Under-Secretary Umberto Ranieri responds to a question by
Radical Senator Piero Milio. Radical MEPs Benedetto Della Vedova and
Gianfranco Dell'Alba consider his reply - the first in a series of responses
to questions about this affair put by the Radicals - to be "hypocritical
and evasive". On 6 March MEP Della Vedova, Radical regional councillor
Carmelo Palma and Giulio Manfredi ask for an audience with the Public
Prosecutor of Turin, as "persons informed of the facts" concerning the
Telekom Serbia affair.
6 March - Italy: Rome - Human Rights, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
A conference on the scourge of female genital mutilation, entitled "Stop
alle MGF: proposte per un cambiamento" (Stop FGM: Proposals for Change)
is held in the Sala Marini at the Italian Chamber of Deputies. The event,
organised by Radical MEPs and by the Associazione Italiana Donne per
lo Sviluppo (Italian Association of Women for Development) (AIDOS),
in which African and European leaders of the anti-mutilation movement
as well as representatives of the United Nations and of voluntary organisations
participate, is part of a campaign that aims to have FGM placed on the
agenda of the 2002 UN General Assembly as a top priority human rights
issue. Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato speaks at the conference.

Kady Koita, Emma Bonino, Rita
Levi Montalcini
9 March - Italy: Rome - Demonstrations
Radicals demonstrate when the book Fra Casa Bianca e Botteghe Oscure
(Between the White House and Botteghe Oscure (the name of the street
in Rome where the Communist headquarters were located - Ed's note) by
Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini, is presented, holding up three banners:
"Milosevic to The Hague; and Dini?"; Dini, Five Years of Crimes and
Deals"; "Dini: the Truth about Antonio Russo (a Radical journalist found
murdered in the republic of Georgia)". Among other things, the Radicals
accuse Lamberto Dini of having blocked all forms of political, economic
and military action against Milosevic's regime and of having opposed
the nomination of Emma Bonino as UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
10 March - European Parliament - Afghanistan, Human Rights
Radical MEPs deposit at the European Parliament a draft resolution against
the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. The text of the resolution calls
upon the European Council and the Commission to coordinate their actions
with those of democratic States - starting with the United States and
India - and of all anti-Taliban forces, with the aim of liberating the
Afghan civilian population from that regime of terror, and installing
a democratic government.
15 March - Italy: Death Penalty
The association Hands off Cain and (a media company with ten
entertainment websites) launch the first international on-line campaign
to collect signatures for the moratorium on executions at the UN. 4,000
signatures arrive in twenty-four hours.
28 March - Italy - Telekom Serbia
Radical regional councillor Carmelo Palma and Radical MEP Benedetto
Della Vedova express their satisfaction concerning the arrest of Milosevic's
Foreign Minster and request that the Turin Public Prosecutors apply
for an international warrant to question him about the Telekom Serbia
31 March - 1 April - Italy: Ischia - International Criminal Court
The association No Peace Without Justice, in collaboration with the
Centro Euromediterraneo per gli Studi Giuridici e i Diritti Umani (CESDU)
and on the occasion of the inauguration of its seat in the Municipality
of Forio, organises on the island of Ischia an international conference
to develop the political strategy for a task force to support the establishment
of the International Criminal Court.
April - Geneva: UN - China, Human Rights
On behalf of the Transnational Radical Party, Chinese dissident Wei
Jingsheng takes the floor twice at the Commission on Human Rights, to
denounce the fact that Chinese citizens are deprived of fundamental
human rights, particularly by their corrupt administrative authorities,
and to cite the damage caused by politics that promote economic development
without introducing democratic reforms.
3 April - Geneva: UN - Justice, Italy
During the 57th session of the Commission on Human Rights in Geneva
- in which the RP will participate also in 2002 - Olivier Dupuis denounces
the Italian justice system (as Emma Bonino did the previous year), referring
in particular to the political jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court,
the violation of the right of Italian citizens to make informed decisions
and the legal authorities' "de facto" authorisation of the presentation
of lists and candidacies underwritten by false signatures that have
been collected unlawfully.
6 April - Geneva: UN - Human Rights, Chechnya
Chechen Health Minister Oumar Khambiev takes the floor, on behalf of
the Transnational Radical Party, at the Commission on Human Rights.
His speech, focusing on the tragic humanitarian situation in Chechnya
and on the torture inflicted on him and on other people that he took
care of at the hospital in Grozny, is interrupted repeatedly by the
delegate from the Russian Federation, until it is finally suspended
at the request of that delegation.
10 April - Geneva: UN - Human Rights, Homosexuality
Within the sphere of the Commission on Human Rights, the RP organises,
in association with the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Committee
(IGLHRC), a briefing entitled "Gender, Gender Identity and Human Rights".
Participants include Lohana Berkins, founder of the Asociation Lucha
por la Identidad Travesti y Transexual (ALITT), Argentina; Widney Brown,
director of the activities of the women's rights division of Human Rights
Watch, USA; Alejandra Sard, a IGLHRC.researcher for the Caribbean and
Latin America.
13 April - Russia: Moscow - Antimilitarism
While activists from the Associazione Radicale Antimilitarista (ARA)
are "picketing" the commissariat where conscientious objectors Andrej
Rodionov and Alexej Kirgan are presenting their requests for civilian
service, a TNN television cameraman and a photographer from the newspaper
Isvestia, are attacked by an army officer, who tries to seize the videocamera
and camera.
Other callers at the commissariat, who have nothing to do with the demonstration,
are also victims of the attack.
14 April - Russia: Moscow - Chechnya, Human Rights
An Easter vigil against the war in Chechnya is organised in the heart
of Moscow by the RP, the ARA and the Mothers of Soldiers Committee.
During the protest 200 postcards bearing the words: "The war in Chechnya
is a disgrace to my country" are distributed. They are to be sent to
President Putin, and call on him to immediately start negotiations with
the Chechen President Maskhadov.

19 April - Geneva: UN - Death Penalty
In parallel to the activities of the Commission on Human Rights, the
Photographer Oliviero Toscani and Sergio D'Elia of Hands off Cain hold
a briefing on the campaign for the moratorium on executions.
7 May - Italy: Euthanasia
Marco Pannella publishes an open letter concerning the case of Emilio
Vesce, member of the General Council of the Transnational Radical Party.
After going into an irreversible coma following a heart attack, Vesce
has been kept alive artificially for six months by a form of treatment
that Pannella considers "extreme violence" as opposed to intensive therapy.
Pannella declares that he is "determined to try and 'put an end to it'
one way or another, with euthanasia or any other means that can be classified
as such". This is not necessary, however, because Vesce dies shortly
afterwards, on 12 May.

Emilio Vesce, Marco Pannella
18 May - Italy: Rome - China, Human
A press conference, organised by Hands off Cain, is held at the Radical
Party headquarters, when Erping Zhang, the international spokesperson
for the Falun Gong movement, visits Italy. Zhang denounces the fact
that Falun Gong - an esoteric Chinese discipline founded on the values
of truth, compassion and tolerance, and practised in over 40 countries
- is harshly repressed in China, where 50,000 of its followers have
been arrested, 10,000 sent to forced labour camps or mental hospitals,
and 208 tortured to death.

Zhang, Sergio D'Elia, Marco Pannella
31 May - European Parliament - Human
Rights, Egypt
Over 80 MEPs agreed to join the Committee of Support for Nawal Saadawi,
organised by Emma Bonino and Olivier Dupuis. An Egyptian feminist writer
whose works have been translated into 18 languages, Nawal Saadawi is
accused of "non-compliance with religions" and has to appear before
a criminal court in Cairo that will try her for "heresy". She risks
prison and compulsory divorce. An appeal signed by the MEPs calls upon
the Egyptian authorities not "to endorse these medieval procedures"
and protests "vehemently against putting ideas on trial".
Nawal Saadawi
6 June - Italy: Turin - China, Human
A demonstration is held by Radical activists and Radical regional councillors
to coincide with the meeting between the President of the Piedmont Regional
Council, Roberto Cota, and the Consul General, Gao Shumao. The protest
has a twofold aim: to mark the anniversary of the Tienanmen Square massacre,
and to remind the Piedmont Region of its commitment to adopting two
agendas with respect to the Tibetan situation.
6 June - Vietnam: Saigon - Demonstrations, Human Rights
To protest against the persecution of so-called "unrecognised" religious
communities in Vietnam (including Catholic ones), of the Patriarch of
the United Buddhist Church Thich Huyen Quang and of that Church's second
highest official Thich Quang Do (both of whom were incarcerated for
many years and are now under house arrest), Radicals Olivier Dupuis
and Martin Schulthes demonstrate at Ho Chi Min Ville (Saigon), holding
up a placard asking for the release of the two leaders and for religious
freedom in Vietnam. The protest takes place in front of the Than Minh
pagoda where Quang Do, who is conducting a nonviolent struggle for democracy
in Vietnam, is under house arrest. Many cyclists and motorcyclists read
the placard before the two demonstrators are arrested, interrogated
for five hours, and expelled from Vietnam by the authorities. On 5 July
the EP was to pass an emergency resolution on freedom of worship in
Vietnam, denouncing the persecution of leaders of "unrecognised" religious

11 June - Italy: Rome - Death Penalty
A demonstration is held by Hands off Cain outside the American Embassy
to protest against the execution of Timothy McVeigh, convicted of the
Oklahoma bombing. During the days leading up to his execution, Hands
off Cain had addressed an appeal signed by many Nobel laureates and
leading figures in the world of culture to President George Bush, asking
him not to revoke the moratorium on federal executions in place for
38 years.
11 June - European Parliament - Israel, European Union
During the Conference of Presidents, Olivier Dupuis puts a question
to Israel's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Shimon Peres,
concerning the Radical proposal in favour of Israel's becoming a full
member of the EU, to which Peres replies: "We would be happy to become
a member of the European Union". Dupuis comments: "The European Parliament
cannot continue to hide behind false arguments, be they geographical
or otherwise, in order to dismiss the only political proposal that would
make it possible to find a solution not only to Israel's more than legitimate
fears concerning its own security, but also to the immense frustrations
of the Palestinians".
12 June - Italy: Turin - Telekom Serbia
A demonstration was held on the occasion of the annual meeting of Telecom
Italia shareholders to request that the acquisition of a part of Telekom
Serbia in 1997 be fully explained. Radical MEPs Benedetto Della Vedova
and Gianfranco Dell'Alba intervene at the meeting, in the guise of minor
19 June - European Parliament - Information
A report by Radical MEP Marco Cappato on the draft directive issued
by the Commission regarding the treatment of personal data in telecommunications
is presented at the EP Civil Liberties Committee. In particular, the
report recommends following the general directive on telecommunications
privacy issued in 1995, in order to limit the exceptions made by Commission
for state authorities and to avoid introducing a body of norms that
are too specific and sector-oriented. "The carte blanche given to Member
States (especially with regard to monitoring and to the retention of
personal data) actually creates 'two-track' EU legislation: on the one
hand, it is extremely rigid (and often difficult to apply), particularly
where commercial enterprises are concerned; on the other, it grants
complete exemption to state authorities", explains Cappato. The report
was to be approved on 13 November by the EP Plenary Assembly, with 339
votes in favour, 92 against and 89 abstentions.
22 June - Italy: Milan - Homosexuality
The Transnational Radical Party, the Italian Radicals Committee, Radical
MEPs and Radical regional councillors support National Gay Pride, in
Milan. MEP Gianfranco Dell'Alba attends Gay Pride in Catania.
23-24 June - Russia: Moscow - Congresses, Chechnya.
The Associazione Radicale Antimilitarista (ARA) holds its third Congress.
The final motion, presented by outgoing secretary Nikolaj Khramov, defines
the struggle to stop the colonial crimes in Chechnya as the association's
top priority. The Congress supports the proposal to place the Chechnya
issue on the agenda of the UN committee for decolonisation. It also
intends to organise a campaign for immediate negotiations between the
Russian Federation and the lawfully-elected authorities of the Republic
of Chechnya. Andrej Rodionov is elected as secretary.
30 June - Italy: Bologna - March, Tibet
Olivier Dupuis participates in the inauguration of the march from Bologna
to Florence, for the freedom of Tibet.
4 July - European Parliament - Privacy
Radical MEP Maurizio Turco, member of the Echelon Commission, presents
a minority opinion (which was to be annexed to the Commission's final
resolution) in which he calls to order the majority - who have stressed
the probable but undocumented existence of the Anglo-Saxon system Echelon
- for having censured Germany and Holland for possessing and using the
same technology (systematic and generalised monitoring through filtering
search engines).
5 July - European Parliament - Human Rights
The Cornillet report on human rights within the European Union incorporates
suggestions presented at the Commission by Radical MEPs, concerning
the state of democracy and legality in Italy, particularly with regard
to the excessive length of trials; the abuse of detention pending trial;
and the need to introduce the principle of equal time during elections,
which would give all competing lists equal access to television. The
report incorporates a number of Radical amendments, one of which recommends
that Member States suppress all restrictions that prevent the free circulation
of citizens in their own country, with specific reference to the question
of the return to Italy of the Savoys (the former royal family).
6 July - USA: Washington - Russia, China, Human Rights
The Russian Embassy in Washington refuses to issue Chinese dissident
Wei Jingsheng with a visa to enter Moscow where he has been invited
by the Radical Party and by the Tibet Bureau to participate in a press
conference to protest against the candidacy of Beijing as host of the
2008 Olympics. Olivier Dupuis comments: "There is every reason to suspect
that President Putin and the dictator Jang Zemin have tacitly agreed
to ignore the issues of Tibet and Chechnya respectively, and Wei Jingsheng's
being denied a visa confirms this".
7 July - Tunisia: Tunis - Human Rights
Olivier Dupuis and two other MEPs, Harlem Désir (ESP, France) and Roselyne
Vachetta (GUE, France), go to Tunis to request that the authorities
refrain from carrying out the proceedings and the arrests with which
the activists of the Tunisian democratic movement have been threatened.
Désir and Dupuis try to arrange a meeting with Sihem Bensedrine, spokesperson
of the Conseil National pour le Libertés de la Tunisie (CNLT), and Mohamed
Moadda, President of the Mouvement Démocratique Socialist (MDS), both
of whom are in prison; but the authorities deny them permission.
13 July - Russia: Moscow - China, Human Rights
The Moscow police arrest the RP's Russian coordinator Nikolaj Khramov,
along with 11 others, during a nonviolent demonstration against Beijing
hosting the 2008 Olympics. Those arrested include: a Buddhist monk,
two journalists from Reporters Sans Frontières and former Soviet dissident
Alexander Podradiniek, now head of the Prima News Agency. Everyone was
released after a few hours.

Nikolaj Khramov
14 July - Italy: Rome - Radicali Italiani
(Italian Radicals)
Radicali Italiani, a "liberal, laissez-faire, libertarian movement affiliated
with the Transnational Radical Party" is founded. Daniele Capezzone
is elected secretary; Danilo Quinto, treasurer. Rita Bernardini, Luca
Coscioni and Benedetto Della Vedova are nominated presidents. Angiolo
Bandinelli, Marco Beltrandi, Massimo Bordin, Michele De Lucia, Antonella
Spolaor, Sergio Stanzani and Valter Vecellio are appointed to the Executive.
28-29 July - California - Vietnam, Human Rights
A ceremony-cum-happening in honour of Vo Van Ai, Penelope Faulkner and
Olivier Dupuis, takes place in Little Saigon (the Vietnamese quarter
in Westminster, California, following their action of civil disobedience
in Vietnam) in June. Members of the Vietnamese community flock to the
event organised by the Committee for Human Rights in Vietnam, and Dupuis
is presented with the keys of the city and a diploma from the Senate
during the ceremony.

Saigon - Penelope Faulkner, Olivier Dupuis, Vo Van Ai
30 July - Italy: Rome - Demonstration,
the Internet
Radicali Italiani demonstrates outside the Senate to support Dmitri
Sklyarov, a Russian programmer who, having discovered how to disable
the protection of the Adobe ebook reader (one of the most well-known
formats for "electronic books") was arrested in America by the FBI at
Adobe's request, and risks five years in prison and a fine of one billion
30 July-17 August - Geneva: UN - Afghanistan, Pakistan, Vietnam,
Human Rights
At the 53rd session of the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection
of Human Rights, Prof. Ahmed Siauddin takes the floor on behalf of the
Radical Party, to denounce the violation of human rights in Afghanistan
and Pakistan, as does Kok Ksor, who testifies to the persecution of
the Christian Montagnards by the Vietnamese authorities.
3 August - Italy: Rome - Palestine
The RP stages a protest outside Palazzo Chigi, the seat of government,
on occasion of the meeting between Yasser Arafat and Italian Prime Minister
Silvio Berlusconi. They hold up a banner reading: "Israel in the European
Union/Freedom and Democracy in Palestine".
5 August - Russia: Moscow - North Korea
Russian Radicals demonstrate outside the North Korean Embassy in Moscow
on occasion of the North-Korean dictator Kim Jong II's visit to the
capital. They wave banners with English and Russian slogans: "For the
Salvation and Freedom of 22,000,000 North Koreans"; "Put North Korea
Under International Surveillance Now"; "Stop the Sale of Arms to the
Pyongyang Regime". Eight demonstrators are stopped by the police. The
request to hold the demonstration was turned down by the Moscovite authorities
on the pretext that it would have interfered with "antiterrorist activities".

15 August - Italy: Rome - Cloning for
Therapeutic Purposes
A demonstration for the freedom of scientific research is organised
in St. Peter's Square by Radicali Italiani and the Transnational Radical
Party. Banners read: "Cloning for Therapeutic Purposes? We're All For
It"; "Freedom of Research, Science and Conscience".

28 August - European Parliament - Human
Rights, Pakistan
Marco Pannella deposits a written priority question with the Commission,
regarding the death sentence for blasphemy handed down in Pakistan to
Dr. Yunis Shaikh and, more generally, the considerable increase in convictions
for this crime and in the undermining of fundamental human rights.
31 August - European Parliament - Chechnya
The TRP begins collecting signatures on an appeal entitled "Cecenia
basta!" (No More Chechnya!), addressed to the highest authorities of
the European Union and requesting that they "demand that President Putin
open negotiations at the earliest with the legitimate President of the
Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Aslan Maskhadov" and "proceed with having
Chechnya recognised internationally". First signatories include: Adriano
Sofri, André Glucksmann, Elena Bonner Sakharov, Marco Boato, Vladimir
Bukovsky, Samdhong Rinpoche, Ismail Kadaré.
4 September - South Africa: Durban - Israel
Commenting on the fact that the Israeli and American delegations abandoned
the UN conference against racism due to repeated attacks on Israel and
on Zionism that labelled the former a racist state and the latter a
racist ideology, Emma Bonino describes as "grotesque and infamous (...)
the smear campaign depicting the only democratic state in that area
as the oppressor, indeed the sole oppressor, of human rights, as racist
and as the perpetrator of ethnic cleansing and genocide"; a smear campaign
taken up by the "worst dictatorships, which crush the human rights of
their own citizens, and, in many cases, are truly racist". Bonino makes
a "heartfelt appeal" to European governments, and the Italian government
in particular, to walk out of the conference. Drawing inspiration from
this, Marco Pannella proposes that the Nobel Peace Prize be awarded
to the Syrian Nizar Nayyouf, "a true hero of democracy for the Syrian
people and for all peoples and individuals on Earth".
6 September - European Parliament - Tunisia, Human Rights
On the initiative of Harlem Désir (PSE), Olivier Dupuis, Hélène Flautre
(Greens), Cecilia Malmstrom (ELDR) and Roselyne Vachetta (GUE), forty
or so MEPs deposit Sihem Bensedrine's candidacy for the 2001 Sakharov
Prize. A journalist, publisher and former Vice-President of the Tunisian
League for Human Rights, Sihem Bensedrine is the spokesperson for the
Conseil National pour le Libertés de la Tunisie (CNLT), which is not
recognised by the authorities. An untiring activist for freedoms and
human rights, Bensedrine has been persecuted by the Tunisian police
for years. She was recently released after being held in prison for
47 days, and, still under investigation, risks being sentenced to several
years' imprisonment.
11 September - United States
the air terror attacks in the United States, Olivier Dupuis comments:
"Behind this tragedy without precedent in Manhattan, behind the thousands
and probably tens of thousands of innocent victims, there are, as far
as this concerns us directly, the deeply racist, anti-Arab and anti-Islamic
culture and politics that Europe and the West have cultivated and promoted
for decades by constantly supporting the worst dictatorships in the
Arab and Islamic worlds. This racism is designed to deprive the Arabs
and, more generally, the inhabitants of Muslim countries, of the right
to democracy, the rule of law, and freedom".
13 September - Russia: Moscow - United States
In support of the United States, Radicals participate in the demonstrations
held outside the American embassies in Moscow, Rome and Brussels, observing
three minutes' silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks.

18-19 September - European Parliament:
Brussels - Freedom of Scientific Research
In view of the report on human genetics that the EP is scheduled to
vote on in November, the Transnational Radical Party, together with
Radical MEPs and Radicali Italiani, organises at the European Parliament
a conference entitled "Stem Cells: For Freedom of Research in Europe",
in which many experts and MEPs participate.
20 September - European Parliament:
Brussels - Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
The EP approves by a large majority the report by Spanish socialist
MEP Elena Valenciano on female genital mutilation which, among other
things, proposes granting the right to asylum in the territory of the
European Union to African children and girls who risk mutilation if
they returned to their native countries. The main proposals put forward
in the Valenciano Report (including the creation of an ad hoc budget
to combat the atrocious practice of FGM in Europe and Africa) were taken
from a draft resolution presented in 2000 by Radical MEPs and signed
by an absolute majority of MEPs. The report is presented to the press
by Valenciano, Emma Bonino and several African personalities who spearhead
the campaign against FGM.
25 September - Italy: Rome - China, Human Rights
To denounce the persecution of the Falun Gong movement by the Chinese
authorities - which has recently been stepped up, exploiting the outrage
against terrorism that exploded after the attacks against the USA and
the consequent "distraction" of Western and international media - the
association Hands off Cain and the Radical Party, together with the
Falun Gong movement, organise a march from Piazza Trinità dei Monti
to the Chinese Embassy. The march is preceded by a press conference
outside the Italian Parliament in which Erping Zhang (international
spokesperson for Falun Gong), Sergio D'Elia, Emma Bonino, Marco Pannella,
Daniele Capezzone, the Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Alfredo
Biondi, Gustavo Selva (Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of
the Chamber of Deputies) and Natale D'Amico, first signatory of a Senate
motion on Falun Gong, participate.

25 September - European Parliament -
During the 23rd International Conference of Commissioners' for Data
Protection, Marco Cappato comments: "Giving up freedoms in the name
of security is the order of the day for passing new antiterrorism measures
in the United States and Europe. (...) In the meantime, pressure is
being applied in several areas to lower the level of protection of telecommunications
privacy with respect to monitoring by the police. As Rapporteur for
the Directive on Telecommunications Privacy I will propose that the
European Parliament oppose the attempt to exploit the attacks in the
United States to approve norms that violate national Constitutions,
the European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental
Human Rights of the European Union".
15 October - Thailand - International Criminal Court
Emma Bonino meets with Thai Justice Minister, the Hon. Pongthep Thepkanjana,
to discuss the possibility of Thailand's swiftly ratifying the Statute
of the International Criminal Court. Thepkanjana foresees the ratification
of the Statute being placed on the parliamentary agenda in February
2002. Emma Bonino goes on to discuss ratification with the Deputy Head
of the Department of Legal Affairs and Treaties of the Thai Foreign
16 October - Italy: Turin - Chechnya, Human Rights
A public meeting under the heading: "Chechnya: una guerra dimenticata,
un genocidio rimosso" (Chechnya: A Forgotten War, An Unremembered Genocide)
is organised by the Associazione Radicale Adelaide Aglietta. Participants
include Nikolaj Khramov (coordinator of Radical activities in Russia)
and Giampiero Leo (Councillor for Culture of the Piedmont Region) who,
as well as delivering the final address, was a signatory, together with
23 other regional councillors, of the Radical Party petition against
the violations of human rights by the occupying Russian Army in Chechnya
and for the opening of negotiations between President Putin and President
Maskhadov of Chechnya.
16 October - Philippines: Manila - International Criminal Court
The "Experts Conference on the International Criminal Court", organised
by the Centre for Restorative Justice in Asia in association with No
Peace Without Justice and under the patronage of the Supreme Court,
the President of the Republic, the Defence, Justice, Foreign and Internal
Affairs Ministries and the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines,
opens in Manila. It is attended by government delegations from: Indonesia,
Laos, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Palau, Singapore, Samoa, Philippines,
Fiji, Cambodia, Brunei, Thailand, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vietnam, and by
experts sent by various governments in the European Union. In her opening
remarks, Emma Bonino points out that 43 states have ratified the Statute
of the ICC to date and how important it is for a fair number of Asiatic
countries to be among the first sixty to ratify, since they are the
ones who will form the Assembly of States Parties that will oversee
the effective working of the Court and will appoint the judges. The
conference ends on 18 October.
17 October - European Parliament: Brussels - East Turkestan, Human Rights
A conference entitled: "The Situation in East Turkestan after Half a
Century of Chinese Occupation", organised by the National Congress of
East Turkestan (ETNC) in association with the Transnational Radical
Party (TRP), takes place at the European Parliament, despite the unprecedented
pressure exerted by the Chinese Communist authorities to prevent it
from being held. The proceedings are opened by Enver Can, Chairman of
the National Congress of East Turkestan, and Olivier Dupuis. Participants
include: Erkin Alptekin, General Secretary of the Unrepresented Nations
and Peoples' Organisation (UNPO); Peter E. Müller of the International
Society for Human Rights; Kelsang Gyalsen, representative of the Tibetan
Government in Exile, at the European Union. In its final document, the
conference asks, among other things, that the International Community
in general and the European Union in particular deal seriously with
the tragic situation of the Uighurs who, like the Tibetans, are suffering
the dramatic effects of a Chinese policy of genocide implemented through
population transfer, which has been carried out since the Chinese invasion
and fierce occupation of East Turkestan.
23 October - European Parliament - Egypt, Human Rights, Homosexuality
Concerning the case of 52 Egyptian citizens currently being tried on
charges of homosexuality, the EP's Citizen's Rights and Freedoms, Justice
and Home Affairs Committee approves an amendment presented by deputies
from 4 political groups (first signatories, Radical MEPs Marco Cappato
and Maurizio Turco; co-signatories Boumedine Thiery and Buitenweg of
the Greens, Di Lello of the Unitarian Left, Cashman, Swiebel, Vattimo
and Paciotti of the PSE) on the initiative of Ottavio Marzocchi (member
of the Extraordinary Executive of the Radical Party). The amendment
asks the Commission to convey to the Egyptian institutions the deep
concern that the arrest of 52 Egyptian citizens on the basis of their
sexual preferences has aroused throughout the Union; to closely monitor
the treatment reserved for these citizens; and to adopt suitable, progressive
measures to ensure that the rights of such individuals are respected,
in accordance with international human rights legislation. A resolution
condemning the arrest of the 52 Egytians was to be passed by the EP
on the 29 November; it recommended that European states verify the respect
of human rights in Egypt, in view of the agreement between the EU and
Egypt. Radicali Italiani stage a demonstration outside the Egyptian
Embassy in Rome, in which Arcigay (an Italian gay liberation movement)
25 October - European Parliament - Information, Human Rights
Within the framework of the European Union budget for 2002, the EP adopts
an amendment presented by the Radical MEPs, in which they request that
the funds assigned for the development and consolidation of democracy
and of the rule of law, be used also to "finance the establishment of
a radio network that would lead to the creation of a 'Voice of Europe',
with a view to producing and broadcasting daily news programmes in countries
governed by totalitarian or authoritarian systems. The programmes of
such a network should focus on the situation regarding human rights
and ethnic minorities as well as activities carried out in this regard
by the Union".
26 October - Laos: Vientiane - Human Rights
On the second anniversary of a demonstration in Vientiane for freedom,
democracy and the respect of human rights in Laos, after which five
Loatian students were arrested and have not been heard of since, Radicals
Olivier Dupuis, Nikolaj Khramov, Massimo Lensi, Silvja Manzi and Bruno
Mellano stage a similar demonstration in Vientiane, asking for the release
of the five students. The Radicals are arrested in their turn and after
four days' imprisonment with other inmates - during which they gather
dramatic testimonies, such as the one concerning individuals held in
prison for 19 years awaiting trial - they are put in solitary confinement.
In Europe, the Radicals organise a mass hunger strike in which over
270 citizens participate - including Marco Pannella who also goes on
a one-day thirst strike - in order to obtain timely intervention by
international institutions and diplomacy. A week later, but only after
pressure is exerted by the European Union, the European Parliament (which
considered suspending the EU-Laos cooperation agreement) and international
diplomacy, the five are allowed to meet with the Belgian, Italian and
Russian ambassadors and are granted legal assistance (they are defended
by François Zimeray, MEP with the PSE, and Laotian lawyer Phivath Vorachak).
After a swift trial, the Radicals are sentenced to two and a half years
imprisonment and fined for subversive behaviour and antigovernment propaganda,
but are then expelled from the country on 9 November.

9 November - Italy: Rome - USA
Radicali Italiani and the TRP participate in the event organised by
Forza Italia (the party led by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi)
to support the United States, during which they make the following comment:
"From Vientiane to Rome, 'American-style reform' and the World Organisation
of Democracies are the goals necessary to defeat all totalitarian regimes
and antidemocratic and antiliberal powers".

Third row: Marco Pannella,
Nikolaj Khramov, Olivier Dupuis, Bruno Mellano, Massimo Lensi; second
row: Sjlvia Manzi, Emma Bonino, Daniele Capezzone; first row: Rita Bernardini,
Luca Coscioni
14 November - European Parliament -
Afghanistan, Human Rights
While speaking during a debate at the EP on the international political
situation, Emma Bonino proposes holding a Satyagraha, a "world day of
fasting and nonviolence", with the aim of establishing a new Afghan
government in which women are represented; in other words, those who
have suffered most from the atrocities inflicted by Taliban totalitarianism.
Over 6,000 citizens from 100 countries participate in the day of fasting
on 1 December, including many ministers of different nationalities,
political leaders, non-governmental organisations and nearly 500 parliamentarians;
international personalities such as former UN Secretary General Boutros
Ghali, South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel laureates Rita Levi
Montalcini, Rigoberta Menchu and Benazir Bhutto and French Health Minister
Bernard Kouchner; cultural figures like Bernardo Bertolucci and David
Grossman; and leading Chinese, Tibetan and Chechen dissidents. Members
of the Afghan royal family in exile also participate, including Mostapha
Zaher, King Mohammed Zaher Sha's nephew and spokesperson, and Prince
Mir Wais Zaher, the monarch's son, who takes part in a press conference
held to present the initiative at the Radical headquarters in Rome.
Similar press conferences are held in Zagreb, Istanbul and Moscow. Thanks
also to the political pressure exerted through the Radical action, two
women are included in the new Afghan Government.

Rome - Mir Wais Zaher, Marco
15 November - European Parliament -
Laos, Human Rights
The European Parliament adopts by a very large majority a resolution
on the arbitrary arrests and the political situation in Laos, presented
by the Foreign Affairs Committee following the arrest and incarceration
of Olivier Dupuis and four other Radical activists. After recognising
the legitimacy of their action, the EP requests, that the Commission,
the Council and Member States do everything in their power to guarantee
that the trial of the five leaders of the Laotian student movement who
were arrested on 26 October 1999 and have not been heard of since "be
held as soon as possible and that it fully respect both international
norms and the Constitution of the Lao People's Democratic Republic (LPDR)".
The Commission is also called upon to request, in accordance with the
clauses contained in the cooperation agreement between the European
Union and Laos, "that the government of the LPDR guarantee the respect
of the civil and political rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights, and conform with the requests contained in the EP resolution
passed on 15 February 2001, including the abolition of Article 59 of
the Laotian Criminal Code which provides for a sentence of from one
to five years' imprisonment for antigovernment propaganda".
21 November - Italy - Nigeria, Human Rights
A protest is staged by Hands off Cain outside the Nigerian Embassy against
the sentence of death by stoning handed down by an Islamic tribunal
in Northern Nigeria (in a state where Koranic law was reinstated the
previous year) to Safiya Hussaini, a pregnant woman of thirty, found
guilty of having premarital sex. Hands off Cain also protests against
the hundreds of whippings of young women, also for having sex before
marriage; and against the amputation of limbs, which is the punishment
for stealing. Concerning these atrocities, Olivier Dupuis presents an
urgent question to the European Commission and to the Council.
22 November -Italy: Fossano - Tibet
A public conference on the theme "Tibet: l'esilio dei diritti - la forza
della nonviolenza" (Tibet: The Banishment of Rights - The Strength of
Nonviolence) is organised by the Associazione Radicale Adelaide Aglietta.
Speakers include: Olivier Dupuis, Bruno Mellano (Radical regional councillor
in Piedmont), provincial councillor Mario Riu, and the Mayor of Fossano
Giuseppe Manfredi. The conference is followed by the inauguration of
the permanent display of the Tibetan flag in the lobby of the Fossano
Town Hall. So far 60 municipalities in Piedmont have decided to publicly
display the Tibetan flag until the Chinese Government and the Tibetan
Government in Exile begin negotiations for Tibet's autonomy within China.
22 November - Italy: Rome - Tunisia, Human Rights
During a visit to Italy, Sihem Bensedrine (spokesperson for the Conseil
National pour le Libertés de la Tunisie, and one of the leading figures
of the movement that opposes the dictatorship of Ben Ali) holds a press
conference with Marino Busdachin, member of the Executive of the Transnational
Radical Party. At the conference, Bensedrine makes public an open letter
she sent to Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, who had recently
visited Tunisia, in which she denounced the serious and systematic violations
of human rights in her country, and concluded with: "Mr. President,
I am not sure that the Mediterranean can be united - as you augured
in your statement - especially when those countries on the northern
side think that democracy is a luxury for those on the southern side".

Sihem Bensedrine, Marino Busdachin
29 November - European Parliament -
Cloning for Therapeutic Purposes
During the parliamentary debate concerning the Fiori report on biogenetics
- a report with a "prohibitionist" bias (advocating, among other things,
a ban on the use of the stem cells of frozen embryos for therapeutic
purposes) - Radical MEP Gianfranco Dell'Alba comments: "The choice we
Radicals have to make this morning is clear: no to the Fiori Report
as it stands; yes to the majority of the amendments presented for the
freedom of scientific research, yes to all the types of research for
therapeutic purposes that can prolong, and not kill, existing life but
not that which exists only in doctrine and which today is lying in the
freezers of laboratories waiting to be destroyed". The EP rejects the
report, despite the fact that the Commission of Bishops of the European
Community sought its approval.
6 December - Brussels - Demonstration, Justice
To coincide with the "Justice and Home Affairs" session of the European
Council of Ministers, the President of the Radical deputies at the EP
Maurizio Turco and Radical MEP Marco Cappato organise a demonstration
outside the EU Council to affirm the European Parliament's power to
make decisions and directly control matters concerning justice and home
affairs; and to prevent the fight against terrorism being waged to the
cost of democracy and the principles of the rule of law.
7-8 December - Czech Republic: Prague - International Criminal Court
A Regional Intergovernmental Conference on the International Criminal
Court is organised in Prague by the Czech Foreign Ministry and the Radical
association No Peace Without Justice, under the patronage of the Belgian
Presidency of the European Union. Fifteen countries from Central Europe
and the Balkans participate in the conference, with a view to speeding
up procedures necessary for the ratification of the Rome Statute.
13 December - European Parliament - Drugs
The EP passes an amendment, presented on the initiative of Radical MEPs,
which reduces by approximately two-thirds, ie 3 million euro, the financing
destined for the United Nations programme for the fight against drugs
(PNUCID). The vote severely condemns the activities of the programme
and its director, Pino Arlacchi, who has been denounced repeatedly by
the Radicals.
13 December - Rome - Globalisation
Radicali Italiani present their "Pro-Global" manifesto outside MacDonalds
in Piazza del Pantheon. Pierluigi Diaco (opinion-maker and DJ) and the
director Giulio Base participate, together with Daniele Capezzone, Secretary
of Radicali Italiani. The manifesto, which opposes anti-globalisation
theories, proposes, among other things, extending the globalisation
of international business to the advantage of developing countries,
and extending the reach of democracy in every region of the world.

Pierluigi Diaco, Daniele Capezzone,
Giulio Base
18 December - Italy: Milan - Nigeria,
Human Rights
On the initiative of the Radicals a motion, signed by all the groups,
is presented at the Regional Council of Lombardy to urge Nigeria not
to carry out the sentence of death by stoning against Safiya Husseina,
convicted of having premarital sex.
19 December - Italy: Rome - Death Penalty, Islam
During a press conference to present the campaign "Hands off Bin Laden"
promoted by Hands off Cain, the Secretary of the association Sergio
D'Elia comments: "We are against the death penalty in all cases, for
anyone who has committed a crime and therefore also terrorists and Osama
Bin Laden". Carla Del Ponte (Chief Prosecutor of the Tribunal for crimes
committed in the Former Yugoslavia) is one of the speakers at the conference.

Elisabetta Zamparutti, Sergio
D'Elia, Carla Del Ponte, Oliviero Toscani, Marco Pannella
20 December - England: Stockport - Drugs
As an act of solidarity towards their colleague Chris Davies - MEP with
the ELDR Group (Liberal Democrat) - who carried out an act of civil
disobedience (he went to the police in Stockport and told them he possessed
a small amount of cannabis, to protest against the arrest of the owner
of a coffee shop run on the lines of the Dutch model), MEPs Marco Cappato
and Maurizio Turco go to the Stockport lawcourts. The same day Marco
Cappato goes to the police station, confessing that he too has some
cannabis. After being arrested for one night and after appearing briefly
before the Magistrates' Court (a court with minor civil and criminal
jurisdiction), his trial is remitted to the Crown Court, where, together
with Davies, he risks heavier criminal and administrative sanctions,
but where it will be possible to juridically contest the merits of the
charges and of the law.

Chries Davies, Maurizio Turco,
Marco Cappato
28 December - Russia: Moscow - Antimilitarism
The ARA holds a "non-authorised" demonstration outside the recruiting
office of the Russian military to denounce the serious irregularities
in the Army's enlistment procedure, in particular the actual "press-ganging"
of conscientious objectors and young recruits who are not interviewed
by the selection board and are sent by military commissariats to unknown