Was born in 1943 in Chernjanka (Tambov region). In 1966 completed
faculty of journalism of Moscow State University. Was working in "Komsomolskaja
Pravda" newspaper, later in "Sovetskij Ekran" magazine. His official carrier
has been terminated in 1976, when he has broken off with Communist Party
and begun his participation in Soviet dissent. For a long time he was
jobless, surviving thanks to occasional jobs as fireman, house painter,
watchman. At the same time he was active in Committee for Defence Believers'
Rights, Political Prisoners Aid Foundation (Solzhenitsyn Foundation),
illegally distributed Christian and human rights literature. He was permanently
exposed by KGB watching, many times has gotten threats, in 1978-79 practically
existed in illegal conditions in order to avoid arrest. In 1990 became
one of the founding members of "Democratic Russia" Movement and member
of its Coordination Council. In 1990 was elected in Moscow Soviet.
In 1992 was among the founding members of Russian Christian Democratic
Union - New Democracy (RCDU - New Democracy), since that time till now
he is co-president of this party. In 1993 he was elected in the State
Duma of current legislature on the list "Javlinskij - Boldyrev - Lukin".
Member of "JaBLoko" parliamentary group and Duma's committee on public
associations and religious organizations. Since first days of war in Chechnya,
he was many times in warfare zone as member of Russian parliamentarians'
group under auspice of Sergej Kovalev. Enrolled in Radical Party in 1995
in the framework of campaign for conscientious objection right and against
militarism. During previous half year subscribed many appeals initiated
by the party.