Since the early 1980s Boselli cultivated a political interest that led him to be arrested twice, in 1988 in Brussels for a non-violent federalist demonstration and in 1992 in Kosovo by the Serbian militia for pro-democracy activities. Since 1981 Boselli has been a member of the Radical Party (since 1993 of its General Council), carrying out political activities in fourteen countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia-Montenegro, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United Nations headquarters in New York. Although still involved in politics in his leisure time, Boselli devoted himself to studying social sciences (university diploma in Politics and Government) and writing. His first novel "Mi dispiace per il fiume" (I feel sorry for the river) is a political thriller set in the 2010s enlarged Europe, where historical context is provided for a visionary plot with fast-pace action and romance. Available for free, but in Italian only, at http://servizi.radicalparty.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=140 |