An engineering graduate. General Manager of the Finmeccanica (IRI Group) in 1979, when he was elected to the Senate. He was one of the founders of the Radical Party. Since 1946 he has been part of the leadership of the Italian Student Union (UGI), the lay organization of university students which was founded at the end of World War II and which, together with Catholic student organizations and other minority associations, formed the UNURI, making it possible for university students to be represented at a local and national level. Sergio Stanzani was Leader of the UNURI in 1952 and 1953. He was a member of the PLI, from which he resigned with a number of left-wingers to found the Radical Party. He and the Radical left-wingers participated in the re-constitution of the Radical Party, for which he supervised the drafting of the new statute. Elected to the Senate in 1973, Stanzani was re-elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1983 and confirmed at Montecitorio in the elections of June 1987. For approximately one year he was a member of the Presidency Office in the Chamber. In previous terms of government he was, amongst other things, first a member of the Committee of Inquiry and then of the RAI Watchdog Committee. In January 1988, he was elected First Secretary of the Radical Party at the 34th Congress in Bologna, and confirmed in this post at the 34th Congress held in Budapest in April 1989. Actually is the President of "No Peace Whitout Justice