L'iniziativa nonviolenta di Marco Pannella per la
"Moratoria della pena di morte anche per Tareq Aziz"

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68 nazioni/countries
[ Afghanistan (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Albania (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Andorra (2) 0.09 % ]
[ Argentina (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Australia (5) 0.22 % ]
[ Austria (2) 0.09 % ]
[ Belgium (26) 1.16 % ]
[ Bolivia (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Bulgaria (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Burundi (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Canada (10) 0.44 % ]
[ Chechnya (2) 0.09 % ]
[ Chile (1) 0.04 % ]
[ China (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Colombia (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Cyprus (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Czech Republic (6) 0.27 % ]
[ Denmark (2) 0.09 % ]
[ Egypt (4) 0.18 % ]
[ Estonia (2) 0.09 % ]
[ Ethiopia (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Finland (5) 0.22 % ]
[ France (31) 1.38 % ]
[ Germany (19) 0.85 % ]
[ Greece (5) 0.22 % ]
[ Hungary (2) 0.09 % ]
[ Iceland (1) 0.04 % ]
[ India (3) 0.13 % ]
[ Indonesia (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Ireland (3) 0.13 % ]
[ Israel (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Italy (1842) 81.94 % ]
[ Ivory Coast (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Japan (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Kenya (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Kyrgyzstan (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Latvia (3) 0.13 % ]
[ Lithuania (2) 0.09 % ]
[ Luxembourg (2) 0.09 % ]
[ Mali (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Mexico (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Morocco (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Netherlands (14) 0.62 % ]
[ New Zealand (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Norway (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Oman (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Peru (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Poland (6) 0.27 % ]
[ Portugal (9) 0.40 % ]
[ Romania (5) 0.22 % ]
[ Russia (11) 0.49 % ]
[ Senegal (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Slovakia (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Slovenia (1) 0.04 % ]
[ South Africa (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Spain (146) 6.49 % ]
[ Sweden (6) 0.27 % ]
[ Switzerland (4) 0.18 % ]
[ Thailand (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Tibet (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Tunisia (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Turkey (3) 0.13 % ]
[ Ukraine (1) 0.04 % ]
[ United Kingdom (18) 0.80 % ]
[ United States (11) 0.49 % ]
[ Uruguay (1) 0.04 % ]
[ Venezuela (2) 0.09 % ]
[ Virgin Islands(US) (1) 0.04 % ]
saillant christine néant France
Perrey (lama Mamo) Liliane en retraite France
isabeille Charbonnier ASSISTANTE DE DIRECTION France
BOUBERT Pascal Assistant professor France
George Feldman Activist France
malek alfi engineer France
there are no more christians in Iraq, who's fault is that ? More than one million Iraqui have been killed, who's fault is that?
Brigitte AZEMA-PEYRET Avocat honoraire France
Totalement opposée à la peine de mort, je ne peux que me joindre à cet appel, souhaitant qu'il soit entendu. BAP
armand anne-sophie researcher France
Noëlle Girault-Lidvan Maître de Conférences France
Josette Badet Chercheur France
Luc-Laurent Salvador psychologue France
Desbos Christian Technicien audiovisuel France
Raoust JP. Salarié France
joelle chartier enseignante France
jean Verneuil Retraité France
Mairbek Vatchagaev historien France
Stephane Lauer Animateur socio-culturel France
Francis WURTZ Eurodeputato France
Michel ROCARD Eurodeputato France
Gérard ONESTA Eurodeputato France
Jamila MADEIRA Eurodeputato France
Fernand LE RACHINEL Eurodeputato France
Jean-Marie LE PEN Eurodeputato France
Raymond LAGENDRIES Eurodeputato France
Claire GIBAULT Eurodeputato France
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