Stop Alcohol Prohibition
in the Islamic Nations

Transnational Radical Party Transnational Radical Party







  We do not deny the right of Islam, and of any other religion, to forbid its followers to use alcohol or other substances.

We firmly challenge, however, the right of the State, of any State, to force by law its citizens to follow a religion and to comply with its laws and its prohibitions.

We firmly challenge the State's right to forbid its citizens, in the name of their moral, physical, and spiritual health, to use and ingest any substance.

We claim that the freedom of conscience and religion , the right not to be subject to health and food restrictions (complying with other individuals' rights), the separation between State and Church, the laity of the State, are inalienable rights and principles in every region on Earth.

In no case can the call for cultural and historical diversity justify the suppression of these individual rights or the assertion of both totalitarian and violent State models.

We, therefore, assert our right and duty to interfere, through any democratic and nonviolent means, in defense of the individual's basic rights, that are being heavily ridden roughshod over in those countries that have adopted Islam as their State religion and that are prohibiting by law the use of alcohol and other behaviours pertaining to the sphere of conscience, religion, political, and sexual freedom.



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